It was a triumphant effort for the Mavericks just a night ago as they kicked off their 2024 home campaign with a 13-8 victory over the Saskatoon Berries.

Last Nights Contest

The Mavs found a home run groove last night driving in 4 bombs while getting production from all 9 players in their lineup at different points. Jack Novak secured the W with help from Aidan Lenzen who came in to relieve him in the 5th and Josh Nolte who closed out the contest. 

The Berries struggled mightily off the hop and although they fought till the end, they didn’t have enough gas to power through runs when they had opportunities to. They dropped to 0-4 after the game and remained on the hunt for their first win heading into their 5th game.

Keys for Medicine Hat

Sources say that John Walsh will be on the mound for the Mavericks who fell to the Moose Jaw Miller Express in his first start of the season. Walsh carried a 3.76 ERA at Ottawa University which funny enough isn’t even in Ottawa, it’s in Kansas. Nonetheless, Walsh provided a strong presence for the Braves and will look to get back on track tonight.

Medicine Hat will look to continue exactly what they did yesterday and that is using their power to smash the berries pitching. There are forecasts for winds of 23km/h at first pitch, so that might have a slight impact on all bats. The Mavs may look to players like Marshall Burke who spread the ball around the field and don’t need power to make an impact.

Keys for Saskatoon

No word on who the Berries will have on the rubber, but they will need to find some sort of command and consistency. Last night all members of the Berries staff struggled in their appearances allowing 13 runs off of 17 hits. 

The Berries’ top half of their batting order produced ok driving in half of the team’s runs. Bryce Campbell had a hot start to the night going 2 for 2 but quieted down in the back half of the game when the Berries started to get players on. 

The biggest key for Saskatoon will be delivering a knockout punch when players are on base. They have some great talent in players like Carter Beck and Aaron Martinez but the bottom half of the lineup will need to find a way to drive the big guns home.

Bottom Line

It will be a chilly one from Athletic Park as the Berries and the Mavericks are back for the second half of their weekday series. It is also Medicine Hat Minor Softball night at the park, so the seats will be filled with aspirations to become Mavericks someday.