The Mavericks believe:
-multi-sport athletes make for better baseball players, will play sports longer, and are healthier (less injuries and burnout)
-youth baseball can be played between 6 – 8 months per year, dependent on age.
-great facilities combined with top level coaching is the best way to provide a fun environment that will help players reach their goals
Winter Indoor Training
Location: South Alberta Collegiate 1351 30 Street SW | Medicine Hat, AB T1B 3N4
Equipment required for indoor program: helmet, glove, bat, hat, running shoes (no spikes), protective cup.
January – April (indoor training) 2025
To save your spot, complete the form below & send in payment. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT 🙂 There are no refunds after December 10th.
13+ Sessions Sign Up (Advanced Sessions) Tues & Thurs ARE FULL. Contact [email protected] for our waiting list.
Starts the Week of Jan 21!!!
8-12yrs Sessions ARE FULL
Starts the Week of Feb 5!!!
The sessions run until April 5th (including the February 17 – 22 reading week)
Note: For 13 – 18yrs, The Medicine Hat Big League Baseball Association (MHBLB offers Wed and Sunday night indoor sessions beginning January 29th, 2025. Additionally, Medicine Hat’s High Schools offer practices starting in February/March. If you’d like to supplement your sessions, contact the Mavericks for customized small group sessions.
2025 13U J-Mavs Team
REGISTRATION IS OPEN UNTIL MARCH 1, BUT EARLY SIGN UP INCLUDES THE FEB 9 (SUNDAY) ID CAMP. This program is open to players who graduated MHLL Majors in 2024, as well as 2025 season second year majors.
Jan 29, 8:30PM Zoom Link Info Session Here
Register Here for the 13U J-Mavs Tryout
2025 12U & 10U Spring Teams
We’ve had great success with our J-Mav spring teams!!! Here’s some info on the program:
The first indoor date for our 12U and 10U spring team tryouts are Saturday March 15th. It is recommended for those interested to sign up for our winter camp sessions above, but it is not mandatory.
What is the difference between our 10U and 12U Spring Teams and the new 13U J-Mavs Team? The 10U and 12U J-Mavs teams supplement the MHLL house league schedule and end when the all-star season ramps up, whereas the 13U team starts in late March and is the same team for the entire season, which lasts into mid or late July.
10U and 12U J-Mavs Spring team tryout registration will be open soon! If you have questions contact [email protected]
April (outdoor training) 2025
Nothing beats outdoor reps on the field! Early April (weather allowing) is the time to get outside for ground balls and fly balls. We will have practices and some games in conjunction with the little league house season. April outdoor sessions will be hosted at Athletic Park & little league fields when accessible.
July 3 & 10th, 2024 All-star Clinics
For two dates, the Mavericks are hosting 1hr break out sessions for each of hitting, infield, pitching and catching! Click the image below to register. These sessions are for ages 11-18yrs who are advanced players (playing all-star baseball).
Please note payment reserves your spot!
The 2024 WCBL Viterra Kids Camp
For kids of any skill level ages 5-17yrs old! July 9th 1-2:45pm. For details & to register click the image below.
May 2025
Mavericks J-Mavs teams taper off due to Little League house league being in full swing. All-star begins to get going in May also.
June 2025
Little League house season wraps up and Little League All-Star ramps up. The Mavericks are available for private and small group lessons.
July 2025
Little League All-star continues. The Mavericks are available for private and small group lessons.
August 2025
Little League all-star wraps up it’s season in early to mid August. The Mavericks are available for private and small group lessons. The last couple weeks of August are good for a break or private lessons in preparation for Fall ball which starts the last weekend of August.
Outdoor Private and Small Group Sessions at Athletic Park (April 1 – October 15)
1 player : 1 coach 30min = $50
1 player : 1 coach 45min = $60
1 player : 1 coach 60min = $75
2 players : 1 coach 60min = $40 each player
3 players : 1 coach 60min = $30 each player
4 players : 1 coach 60min = $27 each player
Indoor Private and Small Group Sessions at SAC Centre (November – April 5)
1 player : 1 coach 30min = n/a
1 player : 1 coach 45min = n/a
1 player : 1 coach 60min = n/a
2 players : 1 coach 60min = $50 each player
3 players : 1 coach 60min = $35 each player
4 players : 1 coach 60min = $30 each player
prices do not include GST
Summer Season
When the summer season arrives, players return to their associations for city league (house) starting mid During this time-frame the Mavericks are available for private and small group sessions.
2024 Fall 10U & 12U Teams
To register click the image below & send in your tryout payment of $50. Once payment is received, a confirmation will be sent. Note there are no refunds for the tryout or team fee. If you child does not make one of the teams, we recommend contacting us about private or small group lessons to develop their skills.
Deadline for registration is August 21, 2024
12U Fall Ball Team (Players that will be playing Majors in 2025 season)
10U Fall Ball Team (Players that will be playing Minors in 2025 season)
Payment: etransfer to [email protected] pw: Mavericks ****put your child’s name and if 12U or 10U in the message*** Please note there are no refunds or pro-rated fees for missed sessions.
The Fall is a time to continue the momentum from our summer season. After the completion of the summer season and a couple weeks off in late August we take advantage of Medicine Hat’s amazing weather. The Fall season is a time to further develop skills, perhaps try a new position and to continue our development as baseball players.
Do you have a specific pitch that you want to develop? Is there a mechanical change you want to make in our hitting? Do you need more ground balls at a new position?
The goal is to have two teams in each of the 10U and 12U age groups that will play a single game on Wednesdays and a double-header on Saturdays. If there only enough players for one team in each age group, games will be scheduled with other communities, so travel will be expected.
The Fall provides a low stress environment to experiment with these changes. For some, the Fall will provide much needed innings for pitchers who may not have received many innings in the summer. For all players, a structured throwing program for an additional 5 weeks provides much needed long toss before the winter off-season.
The Fall is an opportunity for individualized goals in a team setting. As you can imagine, these 5 weeks in the Fall provide much needed reps from our short Canadian Spring/ Summer. If you have goals as a baseball player, you’ll want to play with us in our Fall ball program!